Dance Tracks Studio Policies

** Tuition is paid per semester and is Non-refundable.
** NO REFUNDS for drops/withdrawals, once the semester begins. Credit will be given towards future classes, but must be used by the end of the same semester.
**ONCE THE SEMESTER BEGINS, WITHDRAWALS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULL SEMESTER PAYMENT (extended illness or injury excepted, only with a signed doctor’s excuse of inability to participate. In this case, credit may be extended into the next semester, or a pro-rated refund may be granted. Request for such a refund must be made in writing and be accompanied by a doctor’s note of excuse
** All clients agree to pay the total tuition due by the required due dates, and take full responsibility for all late fees.
** All payments must be received by the due dates in order for the student to participate. Payments not received by the due dates will be assessed a $10 late fee per week, to be added to the next payment. Tuition is due on the 25th of each month
** All Walk-In class fees must be paid before the class begins.
** A $25.00 fee is charged on all checks returned from the bank.
** Late starts due to Sports conflicts will be pro-rated — please see Director for all late start requests. (Students are encouraged to start late in the Fall Semester, rather than wait until Spring Semester to start.)
** All students participating in the annual Spring Dance Recital will be required to remit a recital/costume fee per class, along with the first Spring Semester tuition payment, due by the last week of January (approx. $65-$75).
**CLASS CARDS available for all ADULT students. Minimum of 5 classes purchased to start. Cards may be used for any one hour class, and at the students discretion. Cards are punched after each class taken. Additional classes may be purchased at the users request, no set amount required after the initial 5 class minimum. Class Card fee is $18 per class hour, with a $20 registration fee to be included with the initial 5 class minimum payment.

Registration & Studio Etiquette
** NEW STUDENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGHOUT THE FALL SEMESTER. Students registering for the Spring Semester only will be accepted through February 12, 2022.
**Registration Fees are non-refundable. If you change your mind after you register, you will not receive a refund for the registration fees
** All students, age 3 to Adult, are encouraged to participate in the Spring Dance Recital! It is the highlight of the year, and an experience you will cherish for life! Like we always say — recital week is the best week of the year!!
** All students are expected to arrive on time and wait in the studio lobby until the instructor calls you into class.
** Students arriving after the warm up may be asked to observe class.
** All students must be dressed in appropriate dance attire with the proper shoes (SEE DRESS CODE).
** All students must have their hair pulled back in a bun or ponytail BEFORE entering the dance studio. Parents should provide hairbands, and have their child dressed and ready to participate before class begins.
** All students should use the restroom BEFORE class begins.
** Water bottles allowed in the dance room, but may be used only with discretion and at the appropriate times during class.
** Students and families should NOT BRING FOOD into the studio waiting room. Food may be consumed in the hallway.
** Students are expected to be respectful of their instructors, and fellow classmates, as well as show respect for the studio space and property.
** All Parents are responsible for their children while in the building. Instructors are not responsible for their students before or after their class time.
** No siblings may be left unattended in the waiting room. ** Parents and adult students are responsible for checking emails and reading information provided by Dance Tracks regarding important studio information.
** The Waiting Room/Lobby may be used for QUIET observation. Due to the noise factor between the studio and waiting area, we ask that QUIET be observed in the waiting room.
** Parents/guests are welcome to observe class at any time via our observation windows in the waiting room.
**Open House will be held once per semester, where parents/guests are invited into the dance room to observe class. Dates to be announced via class memo and email.

Waivers & Releases
**By signing or submitting the Registration form, the client agrees to all of the studio policies listed below, and agrees to abide by Studio/Tuition/Student policies while enrolled at Dance Tracks.
** By signing or submitting the Registration form, permission will be given to Dance Tracks to call in medical aid in case of an emergency, if the parent/guardian cannot be reached. It is agreed that the client is responsible for all medical care expenses to be incurred. Further, the client will hereby waive, release, absolve, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless Dance Tracks, llc and staff for, from and against any claim or cause of action of any nature whatsoever arising out of injury, accident or illness relating to enrollment in programs and activities.
** By signing or submitting the registration form, the client grants Dance Tracks, llc permission to use candid and recital photographs, which include the student named on the registration form, for promotional purposes.